
Things I've learnt (so far...)

1. Modelling is time consuming...
2. Ctrl+S DOES NOT SAVE my work... It instead puts you into a weird and annoying selection mode which selects nearby objects and modifies them depending on their location to your initial selection...
3. Bridging polygons can be used to create hollowed out bits.
4. Target Welding is your friend when it comes to joining two objects together.
5. Learning to model is also time consuming!
6. It is better to design one model in a lot of detail than to model lots of low-quality models...

With that all said and done. I have changed my game plan... I am now gonna be working on creating my wrist-watch over the next week or so. I'll post a daily update picture as per usual but spend more time on making the watch as realistic as possible. Expect to see the reference photos up here soon for comparison criticism...

Also, you might have noticed that I have pimped out my blog with ads. Man's gotta eat!